Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is supposed to be a joyous day.....For me it was like a knife in my heart, reminding me of what I don't have.  Everyone is celebrating the mother's in their life, and I seemed to get left out.  I had three people tell me 'Happy Mother's Day!' even though lots of people know of our miscarriage.  My mom told me, my husband told me, and a sweet old lady at church told me.  My mom gave me this poem which I found to be very fitting:

Happy Mothers Day to you,
and may peace fill your heart
as you and your sweet baby spend
this mothers day apart
My thoughts and prayers are with you
on this Mothers Day
for you have seen your hopes and dreams
softly slip away
Happy Mothers Day to you
you deserve nothing less
for you have borne the burden
of loss and emptiness.
You have earned the right to roses
or daisies in chubby hands
but all I can offer to you
is a friend who understands.
There's so much pain and sorrow
when things turn out this way
but we share a special bond
on this special day.
So happy Mothers Day, my friend
may it bring some joy to you
for you have loved that special way
that only mothers do.

On a different note, we've been trying to conceive.  As of today, my period is 5 days late and all 5 pregnancy tests I've taken have been negative.  I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon to see what's up!  I'm trying not to get excited and I know the odds aren't good that I'm pregnant, but I'm still hoping! :)  We'll just have to see what God blesses us with today!!

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