Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3 Months

This evening was one for the books!  Kylee took her first bath without screaming!  I climbed in with her and she loved it. She was kicking, talking, and even laughed (her first)! Afterwards, as I was feeding her a bottle, she grabbed a hold of my finger like she always does when she's eating.  It was evening I want to remember forever.  The pure love in her eyes as she stared up at me. The freshly bathed baby smell. Her little hand wrapped around my finger. I love those moments.

At 3 months, Kylee:

  • wears some 0-3 month clothing and 3-6 month clothing.
  • is up to 13 pounds.
  • has been sleeping from 8pm to 6am. This past week, I've been waking her up at 7. 
  • loves to talk and squeal and coo.
  • constantly has her hands or whatever is in her hands in her mouth. She's always dripping with drool. 
  • loves sitting up in the bumbo. Watching all the kids play is awesome!
  • screams if left in a room alone. She has to be where the action is. If she and Kaitlyn are playing together and Kaitlyn leaves to grab a toy, she throws a fit!
  • eats every 2.5-3 hours and eats about 6 ounces in the morning and 4-5 the rest of her feedings. 
  • has started to 'sit' in the jumper. She lock-stares at the toys. 
  • is completely adorable. We love her so much! It's hard to remember what our life was like before she was born. 

Friday, September 11, 2015


My baby started preschool in August!  How is she old enough to do that?!?  She was super excited and has loved riding the bus!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

2 Months

At 2 months, Kylee:

  • Is on a schedule!  Daycare really has put us back into the swing of normal. 
  • Is going to bed at 8pm and waking between 2am-3am, then snuggles in our bed to sleep until 5am-6am. 
  • weighs 10lbs, 12oz which puts her in the 25%. Way different than her sister! Her height puts her in the 50%.
  • Is wearing 0-3 month clothes. They are finally starting to fit well. 
  • really likes bath time!  She likes to kick and splash. 
  • eats every 3 hours during the day and takes 3-4 ounces at a time. 
  • likes to talk! She loves to sit and chat with mom and dad. 
  • loves tummy time!  She's started to roll herself over though, so she may not get much! She gets the biggest smile when she rolls herself over! :)
  • likes to watch everything! There's always something going on in our house. She really likes to watch what the daycare kids are doing. When she can't see someone she gets upset. 
  • is so interested in things. She's started to turn her head to follow things. She loves to watch Buster run around!
  • loves to look in the mirror. She just stares!
  • is so loved!!!  Kaitlyn loves to hold her; daddy loves to chat; mommy loves to snuggle!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Kylee @ 1 month

Our lives have been pretty crazy since Kylee's arrival!  We started life with two children by trying to keep Kaitlyn away from Kylee....she had mono. Not quite what we had planned, but Kaitlyn is not contagious anymore and Kylee didn't catch it, so all was well.

One month!  I didn't know that my heart would be able to expand so much!  Kylee has filled our home with even more love.  Kaitlyn has been a great big sister and loves to help.  She likes to hold Kylee often for short periods of time and every night has to give her a hug and kiss and cuddles.

The transition from one kiddo to two has been rough. Getting out of the house seems to be an act of God.. I now understand why everyone with kids always runs really shouldn't take 1/2 an hour to get 4 people out of the house! Slowly, we're getting the hang of it though. On the upside though, Kylee seems much more portable that Kaitlyn did. I'm sure it's just the fact that we have things to do and can't stop or slow down life as much as we did with Kaitlyn.

Daycare has started back up also, so that adds to the craziness. We love it though. Kaitlyn was lost for a month without all of her friends.  It's really nice to get back on a schedule too! I was really missing that order in our lives.  Kylee has settled into having lots of kids in the house and is used to all the noise. She loves that all of the daycare kids pay so much attention to her.  As soon as she starts crying, they all pipe up and ask me to help her.

At one month, Kylee:

  • Weighs 8lbs 7oz. She was still at 7lbs 13ozs (her discharge weight) last week. Her pediatrician told me that she's lazy. (She was sleeping 7 hrs at night and I had to wake her up to eat 2/3 of the time.) Now I'm waking her every 3 hours during the day and every 4 hours at night to hopefully pack on the pounds!
  • Hasn't started on schedule. It's much tougher to have bedtime when you're trying not to wake the 3 yr old. She sleeps in the rock n' play right next to my side of the bed. 
  • Loves the swing, the rock and play and the car. If it moves, she loves it!
  • Likes to hear us talking. She'll snuggle as long as we're talking to her.....she's not a fan of quiet. 
  • Likes tummy time. She'll lay for about 5 minutes before she starts to get mad. 
  • Doesn't like to lay on flat surfaces. She's really gassy and as soon as you lay her flat, she scrunches her legs up and starts screaming and tooting. Her tummy really hurts, so I've been doing tummy massages at least twice a day in hopes that it'll give her some relief. 
  • Loves to be carried in the Moby. She's had to be a lot more portable than Kaitlyn, so we can keep up with Kaitlyn. 

It's hard to believe our little angel has been here for a month already! I can't imagine life without her!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

New Addition

Kaitlyn's little sister has arrived!!!  We welcomed Kylee Rae to our family on July 2nd! She was 8lbs 6ozs and 20 3/4 inches long. We are in love!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

3 Years!

It's hard to believe that three years have flown by!!!  My baby girl is 3!

At three years old, Kaitlyn:

  • is wearing 4t & 5/6 clothes.  We get to shop in the big girls section! 
  • is wearing size 11 shoes.  She's got her daddy's feet. 
  • is over the moon that she's a big sister.  She has a name picked out for baby and can tell you all the things they're going to do after baby is born. 
  • is still off the charts height wise. She's on the top of the charts weight wise. 
  • loves to dress up.  She got some dress up clothes for Christmas and her birthday and she loves to be a princess....complete with shoes and jewelry. 
  • is a negotiator. Lately, it takes 5 minutes of her trying to convince you why she should have to.......go to bed, do her chores, change her clothes, wear socks, etc. 
  • likes to get her way.  She's starting to not go along with what her friends at daycare want to do and sticking to what she wants to play. 
  • would live as a kitty if possible.  If she's playing, she's a baby baby baby kitty and throughout the day she randomly will drop to all fours and meows!
  • has been wearing a dress everyday for the past month.  She is no longer interested in shirts and skirts. Needless to say, I've been doing a lot of laundry. 
  • is a ball of energy!  I'm not sure if she's gaining energy or if her little sister is stealing some of mine. :)
I keep telling her to slow down and stay little, but she's adamant that she wants to keep growing so she can be a grown up and a mommy. :)  

Kaitlyn Grace, You light up my world!  You make each and every day interesting and I love seeing the joy and wonder of life on your face. I'm so proud of the big girl you've become and I can't wait to see what the next year will bring us!