At two years old, Kylee:
- is talking up a storm!!! Her favorite phrases are - Kylee too * cookie-head * No! * Do it again
- loves to climb!!! She climbs on anything and everything she can.
- is wearing size 3t clothing and size 6 shoes.
- has 15 teeth. She's waiting on her 2 year molars and one of her canines.
- tries her best to keep up with her sister. If Kaitlyn can do it, she's sure that she can too.
- Screams! When things don't go her way, she just starts screaming. We started timeouts for screaming and that has seemed to help.
- is not interested in potty training quite yet. She'll only sit every 9 out of 10 times asked. My plan is to start in the fall when we're not outside for hours at a time.
- can put on her shoes!!! (If she can find where she put them last.)
- gets bored while playing and then gets into trouble.......that girl goes from happy playing to trying to jump off the couch in seconds. My eyes are constantly open.
Kylee Rae, it's hard to fathom that two years have passed by already. You're growing and changing so much! It's amazing to watch!
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