- is wearing 2-3T clothes. 2T for bottoms and 3T on top to cover her belly. :)
- is still drinking from sippy cups.....we've added water bottles to the list too! She's not very good at drinking from a cup yet, but is super great at covering herself with water!!!
- is starting to eat with a fork and spoon. She actually does better with regular silverware rather than the toddler.
- Crawls/walks up stairs and walks down them!
- RUNS EVERYWHERE!! She's either at 100% or sleeping....doesn't seem to be anything in-between.
- Has to have a blanking to sleep and a/several stuffed animals to sleep. She has to have her seahorse that sings her to sleep at night and will request others on occasion. He favorites are her dolly, ballerina, bear, or blanket bear.
- Takes 1 nap a day normally.....2 if she's crabby!
- Has started throwing tantrums when things don't work right or she doesn't get her way.....she's developing quite an attitude!
- Points at everything that she sees.
- Blows kisses when saying goodbye or when responding to I Love You.
- Knows lots of words! 'Daddy, Mommy, more, ball, dog, bird, kick, yes, yeah, no, book, neigh, cluck, shoes, Grandpa, Grandma', Her vocabulary seems to expand on a daily basis!!! She'll often say new words once, but then we can't get her to repeat them.
Kaitlyn is growing and changing SO much and at such a fast rate. It's really amazing to see how quickly!

Excited to go fishing with Daddy!

Grandpa spoiling her with ice cream.
Watching mommy plant flowers.
Loving our new porch swing!
She loved all the good food at the circus.
Painting at daycare.
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