Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Thursday, March 3, 2016

8 months

At 8 months, Kylee:

  • Has her 1st tooth! 
  • wears 9-12 month clothing.
  • is moving everywhere! She's mastered crawling and is pulling up on things. Also, she's started to climb......
  • is such a happy girl!
  • babbles a lot!  It's wonderful to here her voice. 
  • takes a long morning nap and a shorter afternoon nap......most of the time. 
  • tries her best to keep up with big sis!
  • loves to eat. She eats 3 meals a day and is always hungry. If she sees someone eating something, she wants some. She eats anything and everything, except baby food,
  • nurses 5-7 times a day. She's been waking in the night for a feeding, so no more solid sleep for mom!
  • puts everything in her mouth. Going outside is tough....all she wants to do is eat grass.
  • loves Buster! He lets her grab and pull and slobber, all for the attention. Poor dog!
  • is starting on the separation anxiety front. She wants me in eyesight at all times. 
  • loves to empty out all the toy bins and shelves she can reach. Our house is a disaster when she's awake. 
  • has captured all of our hearts completely!