At three years old, Kaitlyn:
- is wearing 4t & 5/6 clothes. We get to shop in the big girls section!
- is wearing size 11 shoes. She's got her daddy's feet.
- is over the moon that she's a big sister. She has a name picked out for baby and can tell you all the things they're going to do after baby is born.
- is still off the charts height wise. She's on the top of the charts weight wise.
- loves to dress up. She got some dress up clothes for Christmas and her birthday and she loves to be a princess....complete with shoes and jewelry.
- is a negotiator. Lately, it takes 5 minutes of her trying to convince you why she should have to.......go to bed, do her chores, change her clothes, wear socks, etc.
- likes to get her way. She's starting to not go along with what her friends at daycare want to do and sticking to what she wants to play.
- would live as a kitty if possible. If she's playing, she's a baby baby baby kitty and throughout the day she randomly will drop to all fours and meows!
- has been wearing a dress everyday for the past month. She is no longer interested in shirts and skirts. Needless to say, I've been doing a lot of laundry.
- is a ball of energy! I'm not sure if she's gaining energy or if her little sister is stealing some of mine. :)
I keep telling her to slow down and stay little, but she's adamant that she wants to keep growing so she can be a grown up and a mommy. :)