I finally got my tattoo in memory of Taylor!
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Friday, March 7, 2014
2 years old!
At 2 years, Kaitlyn:
* is potty trained! She's been out of diapers for a little over a month and loves to wear her big girl panties. Not gonna lie...her parents love it too!!!
* is talking up a storm! She's started asking 'why' and 'what's that for/do'. It's crazy how much she knows and can remember.
*wears 2t, 3t, and 4t clothes. We really just have too many clothes! She has favorites that get worn all the time.
*keeps growing! At her 2 year checkup, her doctor said 'She just keeps getting bigger, doesn't she?'. She's off the growth charts and just keeps getting further above 95%.
* wears her pink cowgirl boots everyday. She got them for her birthday and hasn't touched another pair of shoes.
*likes to help around the house. She helps unload the dishwasher, set the table, and sort laundry.
*has perfected the toddler tantrum. When something doesn't go her way, she throws herself on the floor and kicks and screams. Getting dressed in the morning usually results in one.
* sleeps in her big girl bed with quite a few blankets and lots of stuffies. The number of each depends on her mood.
* is in love with babies. She likes to dress/undress, feed, burp, rock, and sing. She adores the babies at daycare until they start crying. She says crying babies scare her! :)
* asks for her favorite foods. Her most asked for supper? Mac n cheese with hot dogs and blueberries.
* is working on her numbers and letters. She gets frustrated when we work on numbers, so I have a feeling we'll continue to work on them for quite a while.
* loves her puppies! She talks about Ace and Buster all the time. She doesn't really want to play with them.....just snuggle.
It's hard to believe that my baby is two already. I'm not sure how time had flown by so fast!!!!
Kaitlyn Grace, I love you! It's amazing to watch you grow and learn everyday. I'm so blessed that God gave me such an awesome little girl!