At 18 months, Kaitlyn is:
• taking one nap in the afternoon.
• sleeping in a big girl bed. She was trying very hard to climb out of her crib, so we switched her over. She's been doing great!!!!
•is wearing 3t clothes.
•has been talking up a storm! It continually amazes me that she know so many words and is able to use them in the right context.
•can name all of her body parts. One of her favorites is to kiss her brain.
•would live outside if we'd let her. Her latest fascination is with sand. ......she's been putting it on her head.
•is using adult forks, spoons and cups for meals. We still use sippy cups for on the go.
•has 12 teeth and her canines are trying to pop through.
•is napping on a mat at daycare. Some days are good, others are a struggle....
• is in love with the new baby at daycare. She'll be a great big sister someday!
•loves puzzles, books, and coloring. If we have to be inside, she's busy doing one of these.
•has no problem speaking her mind. I hear 'NO MOMMY!' at least 10 times a day.
•is growing and changing so fast! I'm so fortunate that I'm able to be with her for everything!