- has one tooth and the second bottom tooth is trying to poke through.
- is eating 3 meals a day and gets five six ounce bottles.We quit nursing a week after she hit 6 months.
- has gotten better at feeding herself....she can now grab things with her fingers instead of her whole hand.
- is wearing 12 month clothing with a few 18 month items mixed in. She's a tall, skinny girl!
- still babbles.....she's been stuck on D for the last week and her daddy is LOVING it!
- goes from sitting to her belly and back to sitting.
- is figuring out how to army crawl.
- hasn't started to crawl yet.......she gets on her knees but doesn't seem to want to go anywhere that way.....rolling is faster.
- LOVES Buster, our dog! Also he's decided that she's not so bad.....She'll pet him and share her supper.
- with the help of mom or dad, will chase Buster....squealing the entire time! Poor dog is going to have to hide!
I'm not quite sure when my baby turned into an independent little girl, but it's happened! She'd much rather do things herself and actually will squeal or grunt when either of us step in to help!
She loves to swing!
Her first 4-wheeler ride....Grandpa Smith was happy!!!
Just playin'.