Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Excited for the new year!

I’m super excited for 2012!!!  I can’t wait to meet our baby girl in February and enjoy a month off work with her! I can’t wait to spend days snuggling with her and am looking forward to sleepless nights and long days!  (I know in a month or two my opinion will be completely different as I beg/plead for some sleep.)

We have our baby showers this weekend!  Yes, I said showers as in plural.  We have one in Ord on Saturday afternoon and one on Sunday afternoon!  We’re going to go from an empty nursery to a packed full nursery in just one weekend!  I’m excited to be able to finally know what we need!  I’ve been holding off on buying stuff for our little girl because I know we’ll get tons of stuff from family and friends.  BUT, how am I supposed to nest and get everything ready for our princess without any stuff??? I know that this weekend is going to feel like running a marathon and my swollen feet will probably reflect just that, but I’m really looking forward to all the time spent with family and friends!

It’s finally starting to sink in that pretty soon we’ll have a little girl in our arms.  Being pregnant is fun, don’t get me wrong, but I’m dying to hold our little girl and count her fingers and toes and see that she’s okay!  This pregnancy has seemed to drag on, maybe because I’ve been pregnant for most of the last year.  It seems like I’ve been praying for a little one for forever and now my prayers are going to be answered!!

I’m in week 33 of pregnancy and with that I’m starting to experience some new symptoms.  I’ve been lucky in the sense that middle of the night bathroom trips were not something I had to do, even in the first trimester….This past week I’ve been going up and down the stairs like a crazy lady!!  Who knew that something so small could kick your bladder so hard?!?!  I’ve also begun to experience sleeplessness……my mind is constantly running with things that I/we need to do before our little girl arrives that it never shuts off!  Falling asleep is hard, staying asleep is harder!  I’m sure my body is just preparing itself for the new level of exhaustion that I’m about to experience, but I’m thinking it’d be smart to ‘store-up’ on sleep! 

Some fun-facts:
  •          Our little one weighs in a little over 4 lbs and has passed the 17 inch mark!!
  •           Her brain is growing super fast!
  •          Her bones are hardening!
  •          She only has a few more weeks of growing in-utero before she’ll be ready for life on the outside!